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Business apartments in Helsingborg

Book business apartments for your temporary staff and consultants in central Helsingborg, Mariastaden, Fredriksdal and several other areas. We offer homely accommodation near transport links, regardless of which particular area you choose.

Business apartments in central Helsingborg

Best location in Helsingborg

There's no doubt about it, a central location in the middle of a city is unbeatable. And that certainly doesn't mean that vibrant nightlife need be the main attraction. Our business apartments in central Helsingborg are situated just a short walk away from restaurants, cultural attractions and convenient transport links via Helsingborg's central station, Knutpunkten.


Book your apartment in Helsingborg here.

Business apartments in Mariastaden

Mariastaden provides the best of both worlds

The lovely residential area of Mariastaden is located in the northeastern part of Helsingborg. The area attracts many families and people who appreciate the proximity to green areas and natural surroundings. With good transport links to central Helsingborg, Mariastaden provides the best of both worlds.


Book your apartment in Helsingborg here.

Business apartments in Fredriksdal

Just 2km to central Helsingborg

Fredriksdal is situated east of Helsingborg, just 2km from the central station, Knutpunkten. Business apartments in this area are ideal for people who will appreciate the proximity to nature and the sports facilities around the Olympia football stadium. Fredriksdal is probably best known for the nearby Fredriksdalsparken with an open-air theatre, museum and gardens.


Book your apartment in Helsingborg here.

Temporary accommodation for employees and consultants

Rent modern furnished business apartments for your employees and consultants
and let us take care of all the administration. The apartments are all located in nice neighbourhoods
with good transport links and within easy reach of all the main business areas.

Because wellbeing promotes success

Företagsbostäder's concept for business apartments helps you to ensure that temorary staff and consultants quickly settle in to their new homes, no matter where they come from!


  • Feel at home in our fully furnished apartments
  • Cook your own food
  • Enough space to invite family and friends over for dinner
  • 24-hour service and cleaning at the end of the rental period

Recruit the most talented employees

It shouldn't be complicated to find temporary accommodation for employees. With our business apartments, there's no need to lose the competitive advantage for recruiting the most talented employees!

  • One contract
  • Don't waste time on coordination and administration
  • Rent apartments on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
  • Options to extend contracts 28
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